About the Author

Eric A. Meyer has been working with the Web since late 1993. He is currently employed as a Standards Evangelist with Netscape Communications while living in Cleveland, Ohio, which is a much nicer city than you've been led to believe. A graduate of and former Webmaster for Case Western Reserve University, Eric coordinated the authoring and creation of the W3C's CSS Test Suite and has recently been pushing the limits of CSS-based design as hard as he can on his site css/edge and acting as List Chaperone of the highly active css-discuss
mailing list. Author of Eric Meyer on CSS (New Riders), Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide (O'Reilly & Associates), and CSS2.0 Programmer's Reference (Osborne/McGraw-Hill) and the fairly well-known CSS Browser Compatibility Charts, Eric speaks at a variety of conferences on the subject of standards, CSS use, and Web design. He is also the host of "Your Father's Oldsmobile," a weekly Big Band-era radio show heard on WRUW 91.1-FM in Cleveland. When not otherwise busy, Eric is usually bothering his wife Kat in some fashion.
You can find more detailed information on Eric's personal Web page at http://www.meyerweb.com/eric/.